Sick or not?
This has been one ODD week for T2.
He woke up with a stuffy nose on Monday. By Monday night he wouldn't sleep, and acted like his throat was hurting. I gave him a decongestant (approved by the doctor's office) and some ty*lenol and he went to sleep and slept until the concoction wore off...then he screamed until I gave him more. By Tuesday he was less stuffy, but his nose was running. On Wednesday he was pretty much back to normal in the nose department. He slept through the night, and then slept most of the day away at daycare on Thursday. Last night when I put him down for his before-supper nap, he slept right through it and woke up this morning promptly at 4:30, dashing any hopes I had of sneaking out of the room and getting a shower before work without him. At 5:45, he DEMANDED he be fed in no uncertain terms. Thank goodness for grandmothers or I would have been totally frazzled before I even got to work.
When I dropped him off at daycare this morning I informed her of our morning. He was changed, dressed, and fed. I also told her he should be ready for a nap. It doesn't get any better than that.
I'm thinking he's going through a growth spurt.