April Showers
We have been having typical April weather here. It's warmer outside, but it's raining. It rained all day today in fact. Next month I want to see LOTS of flowers!
I was late for work today. R was home, which is a big deal because he's an OTR truck driver and normally is away from the house for 5 days at a time. He was playing with the baby while I was getting ready for work and decided he was going to feed him. Rather than waste energy needed to hastily get my things together so I can get out the door at a reasonable time, I grumbled something incoherent and found a bib. Several small mishaps later (one of them involving a pacifier dropped on the backseat of the car on the way to daycare) I lost 5 irreplacable minutes that in turn made me 5 minutes late to work.
I don't know if I'm blaming R or if it's just the mere fact that he was home when he normally isn't that totally overturned my schedule. Whatever it is, I'm glad he went back to work tonight. And I'm doubly glad that his mom will be up tomorrow to take T1 to school.
On a much more pleasant note, T2 slept through the night last night without requiring me to stand on my head under the crib searching in the dark for the pacifier. I think the only other time he has done this was at 8 weeks old, when he suddenly stopped waking in the middle of the night to take a bottle.
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