Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I have decided that Daylight Savings Time (DST) isn't very fun with an infant. I didn't care much for losing an hour of sleep before I had T2, but now it really STINKS! Imagine if you will needing to be at work by 6:30 am and leaving the house an entire HOUR earlier than normal. Now imagine hauling 2 kids out of bed and dropping them off 2 different places for daycare. And one of these kids is an infant. Yeah. Loads of fun. And to top things off T2 didn't sleep for more than 2 hours straight Sunday night, and that 2 hours happened before I even thought about going to bed.

I think he's teething again. His nose is stuffy and he has been generally cranky. Other than that though he's eating well (we just started 3rd foods without any problems) and has figured out how to roll from his back to his tummy with increasing ease. Now maybe I can get a few more Z's since some of his waking at night was due to the fact that he was rolling onto his back and was unable to roll back to his tummy. (Yes, my child sleeps on his tummy, note that I have to be AT WORK by 6:30 am every morning. Sleep is important to me).


At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine slept on their tummy too. And they managed to make it to 4 and 20 months. Hey, thanks for blogrolling me.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Kel said...

Daylight savings time just plan sucks when you have kids. Mine took it ok this time around..but it's not the lighest it's going to get at my 3 year old's bedtime either. LOL

Sounds like you have a busy morning. We lucked out big time and both kids go to the same place.


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