Monday, October 02, 2006

Update on the Williams Summer Home

T1 is now 8 years old. We didn't really have a big birthday party for him, but that's another story. He made out pretty well, much better than he expected I think.

T2 is 13 months old and starting to get a little attitude. He has very annoyingly (and sometimes terrifyingly) taken to throwing himself on the floor when he doesn't get his way. This is either very early 'terrible twos' or mimicing what he sees the other children do at daycare. Last week was their last week, so if it was the latter it should hopefully cease soon.

R and I are now married and have settled into a comforting normalcy. This is probably due more to the fact that he's not working and less to us being married, however. He has also decided that he wants to be home with us every night, so no more over-the-road truck driving if he can help it. I'm excited because for the last 8 years I've felt like a single mom. Now I'll have someone who can help out with the kids and give me a break now and then.

So that's our update! More later, I hope.


At 6:31 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

YAY, you're back. I wondered when you'd come back to blogging. Thanks for the comment on my site a few weeks back. I tried to email you, but realized it didn't have one attached.


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